Tuesday, September 29, 2009

tingkap2 on the wall!

a view from my room here in the college! quite a dull and boring evening i'm having here, got nothing to do and believe me, i'm now a firm believer that BOREDOM does kill!!! heck! all that i do is sleeping, surfing, eating and reading. btw, i hate this college! as u can see, there's my laptop with my blue wallpaper, courtesy of myspace and windows (duhh~) well, life's is not all bore for me. i do all sorts of stuffs that i consider fun, like watching movies, playing musical instruments, eating (hehe...).

and..here i'm! wearing this stupid mask during the H1N1 (horlick satu neslo satu...) outbreak! can you believe the price of the mask during that period? my god, people really know how to choke others money! i hate quarantine! is there too much hatred inside of me?? who knows, i don't know either. hey, i wouldn't have a girlfriend if i love to hate right?? am i right?? hahaha.. only god knows why...only god!

ahh..here i'm proudly showing to the world my 'bungai terung' tattoo! i'm an Iban! wear it with proud like Jeremy of Monkey Tattoo told me! Thanks for the excellent work my friend! love it! "nya baru iban ti bisi panta bungai terung tok" quoted from Jeremy! god, am i fat?? hahaha..btw, photo taken using my w810i phone, cam sucks but, what can i do, that's all i got! well, you guys already know a bit bout' me. how's yours?? hahahah...

my first post...

ahh..finally, i've my broadband service activated. god bless the internet! i've been blogging for awhile now but, just moved to blogger.com. if you would like to read my old posts, just go to friendster.com/arthurking. so from now on, my blog will be updated using this site. keep in contact and do send me comments..hahaha...